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Sprint / Hillclimb Tyre Regulations clarified

Sprint & Hill Climb regulation clarification

Following recent discussion regarding tyres in Roadgoing Categories for Sprint & Hill Climb Events, the Motor Sports Association is pleased to clarify the regulation as follows:

Tyre Requirements in Sprints & Hill Climbs

The Technical Regulations applicable to the Category of “Roadgoing Production Cars and Roadgoing Specialist Production Cars” are set out within (S)11.

(S)11.6.2. states:  Wheels and Tyres.  “Except for Period Defined Vehicles (Non-Rally) A-H inclusive are to (L) List 1A and List 1B.”

Championship/Event Organisers are then free, within these Categories, by means of Class Regulation to specify tyre choice to being either (L) List 1A, (L) List 1B or any specific tyre from either list.  In order to do so appropriate regulation must be incorporated into the specific Championship/Event Regulations.

Release MSA10-023:  10 March 2010

This communication is for general release and is authorised to hold regulatory value.

Issued on behalf of the Motor Sports Association

For further MSA information please contact Ben Taylor
Telephone: +44 (0)7866 449940  E-mail: media@msauk.org

Issued on behalf of the Motor Sports Association, Motor Sports House, Riverside Park, Colnbrook, SL3 0HG

For all the latest MSA news and results visit the official website www.msauk.org

March 10, 2010   No Comments

Loton Park Regulations are now available

The regulations for Loton Park are now available online please click on the link below;

Loton Park regulations

February 14, 2010   No Comments

New Speed Classes for 2010

After a great deal of work consulting all major Clubs & Championships, we have finally been given the go ahead by the MSA to implement the “Northern Speed Classes” so we have now finalised the full class structure & clarifications that will be used by the majority of speed events in the Northwest, Northeast and Midlands in 2010.

Please note that whilst all clubs listed will be using these  clarifications, we have tried to get all clubs to also use the classes as listed but there are still a few clubs who have decided not to adopt them just yet, whilst others may add extra classes or amalgamate some of those shown in order to accommodate local practice. The structure is being adopted voluntarily so, whilst we have requested that all clubs/championships keep to the same class numbering system, we cannot compel them to do so. If you find a club or championship that is not using the new structure, why not suggest (strongly) to the organisers that it would be a good idea for them to adopt them?

We welcome feedback on your experiences during the year so that we can tell how successful the classes have been, and can consider any minor tweaks that may be required for 2011.

Last update was on the 30th November 2009

You can find the full details by clicking here

These changes mainly effect those competing in the Roadgoing classes, please read them carefully before preparing your car for 2010.

October 25, 2009   No Comments

Speed Classes for 2010

At a recent meeting of representatives of the clubs running speed events in the North West, it was decided to formulate a common set of Speed Classes. This is to make it clearer for competitors who are often frustrated and annoyed by the inconsistency between different events and scrutineers.

Based on the provisions laid down by the MSA technical regulations for 2010, the “Northern Speed Classes” will assist competitors enter their car into the correct class, and will make much clearer what is allowed in the Road-Going Series classes, no matter which club is running a particular event.

Once the proposed classes are finally agreed by the various clubs and ratified by the MSA, it is hoped that the “Northern Speed Classes” will be published in September or October 2009 in time for competitors considering vehicle preparation or changes for the 2010 season.  We recommend that all speed competitors consider these regulations carefully before purchasing or changing cars, and we hope that they will be adopted by a much wider range of organising clubs in due course.

July 21, 2009   No Comments

Regulations available for August at 3 Sisters

The regulations and entry forms are now available for rounds 10 & 11 at three Sisters 8th & 9th August;

CMC/LAC Sprints at Three Sisters

June 8, 2009   No Comments

Regulations for the Aintree Sprints Available

The Regulations & Entry Forms are now available for the Aintree Sprints

Sprint Regulations

March 15, 2009   No Comments

Regulations available for Curborough

The regulations for the NSCC sprint at Curborough are now available on the their website

March 6, 2009   No Comments

Thoresby Regs Available

The regulations and entry forms for Thoresby Park on the 13th/14th September are now available to download on the NSSCC website.

If you wish to enter please do not wait as it fills up very quickly!!

July 8, 2008   No Comments

CMC Anglesey Sprint

Regs for the Chester MC Sprint at Anglesey 21st/22nd June will be available later this week.

Those with email addresses will have the regs sent to them by email so please keep checking your inbox, not forgetting your spam filter if you have one.

P.S. There are still ENTRIES AVAILABLE for the 3 & 4 MAY L&CCC Ty Croes Weekend Sprint – Closing Date 14 April 

April 3, 2008   No Comments

Regs for Lancs & Cheshire CC Anglesey Events now available

The regulations and entry forms for the L&CCC Anglesey Sprints are now available and you can download them by clicking on the following link: Lancs & Cheshire CC Anglesey Regs.

Please enter as soon as possible to increase your chances on receiving an entry.

March 1, 2008   No Comments